RSS Project


Updated 2 August 2023 (15 March 2023)


RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is an open format for web feeds. An RSS feed contains items that are either links to web content or standalone posts.

Many news sites, blogs, and other websites already have RSS feeds that announce new content. It is for example supported for posts in Wordpress and on Mastodon.

RSS 2.0 is the current version of this computer-readable XML format. (more)

RSS feeds can be transformed into human-readable web pages with XSL stylesheets. (more)

RSS feeds can be generated automatically when new content is published on a website that supports RSS or they can be created manually with an RSS feed writer. (more)

RSS feeds can be followed with an RSS feed reader, which is an application that retrieves the items of multiple RSS feeds and aggregates them into one timeline.


These are recommendations for practical improvements of the RSS 2.0 specification: